When does this challenge start?
September 2, 2024

How long is this challenge?
12 Weeks

What are the requirements?
All that is required is you upload progress photos and stats to the portal for the required weeks 1, 3 and 6 complete with the appropriate check in card provided. These photos are front, rear and side pictures. Also, making a full sized supplement purchase to qualify for prizes and top 10 winners (Full sized supplement means any supplement just no samples, apparel or accessories. A full case of 12 energy drinks counts as well).

Does this challenge cost anything?
It is 100% FREE to sign up and participate at your own pace, at home or wherever you workout.

Where do I find the portal to upload photos, and find my workouts?
Same website you used to sign up for the challenge, you’ll login with your email and password you created and login at www.buckedupbootcamp.com/login

Where is the best place to ask any questions?
Our Bucked Up Bootcamp Facebook Group is the best place to message an admin, ask the group questions and share your fitness journey along the way. That is also where we do our Giveaways every week, LIVE videos covering health and fitness related topics and where any new information is shared along with where winners are posted.

How many people can win this challenge?
10 men and 10 women making a total of 20 winners

What else will be provided during this bootcamp?
Besides workout plans, we will be offering video demos for each movement also found in the portal, meal suggestions, supplement guidance and LIVE topics on Bucked Up products, nutrition tips, hacks and are always present in the Bootcamp FB group to answer any questions you may have.

What is best to wear for progress photo pictures?
- Men, any type of shorts as long as they are appropriate
- Women, swim-suits, bikinis, sports bras, and shorts work great. NO THONGS
- Other tips for photos, if you are wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, we cannot see your progress. Keep in mind, seeing your progress is critical to be considered. Good lighting in a clean area with a plane wall behind you is best and makes progress photos more clear.

If you sign up with a spouse or someone in the same house hold do you both need to make separate purchases for the purchase requirement to count for you both?
Yes, each individual must make their own purchase using their email for tracking purchases.